Hello Allard Law graduates of 2025!
The Co-Chairs of the 2024-2025 Grad Committee are Erin Valentine and Stephanie Shin.
Please see below for important information about everything grad, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us at graduationcommittee@ubclss.com if you have any questions or ideas to share! We are also sharing updates through the Class of 2025 Facebook group, and on our Instagram and @allardgrad2025.
Graduation Gala
Save the Date! Grad Gala will be on Saturday, March 15, 2025 at the Paradox Hotel (1161 W Georgia St). Ticket prices will be announced when tickets go on sale in the spring – we are working hard to fundraise and ensure as accessible a price point as possible for all students. We would love to see and celebrate with our whole grad class there!

Grad Photos
Photos will be taken through Evangelos Photography (Booking link: https://evangelosphotography.com/).Taking the traditional grad photo session is FREE. Your photo will be included in the yearbook and the class composite, even if you don’t purchase any photos. If you don’t get your photo taken, you’ll be listed in the “Not Photographed” section.If you wish to take additional photos – for example, in an outfit other than the grad gown, or with your pet or family members – Evangelos will require a $45 CASH deposit (refundable; you’ll have 30 days to decide whether to purchase photos).Evangelos has also provided a helpful informative document about their appointments and studio, which can be viewed HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vJ6RePG-MT_kq8GlyZ2Qu66RLoXPwjMW/view?usp=sharing.Please book ASAP: the deadline for graduates to be photographed is March 14, 2025. This is a hard deadline: we will not be able to accommodate photos past that date.

Graduation Committee
Interested in helping out with a successful celebration of our law school experience? We’d love to have you join the Graduation Committee!Activities in which committee members will be involved include:

  • Yearbook: compiling photos and quotes; designing the layout
  • Sponsorship: outreach to new funding sources; creative solutions to help bring ticket prices down
  • Graduation Gala: décor and program; scheduling and coordination; day-of set-up/take-down
  • Law Wear: pickup of previously ordered items; coordinating a second round of orders in the spring
If you are interested, please fill in the application form ASAP! The Co-Chairs will get back to you to confirm your role as soon as we can, but you won’t be asked to do anything until next term.
Application: https://forms.gle/eZYnRBcJS69Yethf9The Graduation Committee is a standing committee of the LSS. Committee members will be assigned tasks by the Co-Chairs, who report to the LSS Executive.